Clogs in drains can be stubborn and extremely difficult to remove. Even a small clog in a toilet or the kitchen sink can cause big problems and disrupt your life. Imagine getting dinner ready without a sink to use, for example. 

It’s tempting to try to clear a clog on your own. In fact, you may even be tempted to purchase a snake at your local hardware store to clear the clog yourself. And while that might work in a pinch, the solution might be temporary. 

When it comes to clogged drains, you’re better off contacting a professional plumber who can use a mechanical auger or perform water jet cleaning to clear the drain properly – and for good. 

What are drain snakes? 

Snakes are often the first go-to after an over-the-counter drain cleaning solution doesn’t do the job. Snakes look a lot like their name, they are a long device that runs down the drain to dislodge the clog and help flush the blockage. Snakes can be readily purchased at your local home improvement store and are easy to use. 

They are ideal to use for minor clogs in the bathroom, and for your garbage disposals and kitchen drains as well. However, it’s important to note that often, you’ll need a tougher device to unclog your pipes. 

What are mechanical drain augers?

If the drain snake did not work, it’s time to call a plumber, who can use a mechanical auger to get rid of the clog. Like a snake, these also are a long device but they’re able to cover wider pipes and drains than snakes can. 

How do snakes and augers differ? 

The biggest difference between a snake and an auger is that snakes can help with smaller clogs, while a mechanical auger that plumbing companies including Allied Reddi-Rooter use can reach the blockage, break it up, and effectively clear residue along the pipes. 

This means that mechanical augers are capable of working on the toughest clogs, and even on roots that grow into outdoor sewage pipes. Snakes might work fine for smaller pipes with minor clogs, but for most major clogs that require help from a plumber, an auger or water jet can better clear out the obstructions. 

What is water jet cleaning? 

Water jet cleaning is often the next step after a video inspection of your home’s pipes indicates a serious clog. The process works via an extremely high pressured hose with a nozzle on the end – much like a typical hose you use outdoors. 

However, this hose connects with a machine that pressurizes the water that is pushed out to create a powerful stream that can break up the most stubborn clogs. In addition to clearing out the pipes, it can also clean them so they function at their best and are less likely to clog in the future. 

When should have water jet cleaning?

Anyone with a serious clog should consider water jet cleaning. It’s also an excellent solution for getting rid of grease build up that is stubbornly clinging to the walls of the pipes. And since it can cut through tree roots, dried concrete and even wood (much like a laser beam), water jet cleaning is ideal for sewer pipe cleaning as well. 

What should I do if I have a stubborn clog in my drain? 

Call the team at Allied Reddi-Rooter a call at 513-396-5300, or contact  us via our website. We can use a mechanical auger or schedule water jet cleaning to take care of the clog in your drain for good. We always come highly recommended and have earned an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau for our expert quality of service.

If you’re hearing popping or hissing sounds coming from your pipes, you might be wondering what’s causing these strange sounds and what can be done about it. Often, these noises are caused by air in your pipes. 

Another telltale sign air is the culprit is a vibrating noise or loud gurling sound coming from the pipes. You may also hear thumping, or what sounds like a ghost banging within the walls. 

Whether you consider these sounds spooky or simply annoying, it’s a sign that you need to call a plumber. While air in your pipes isn’t necessarily a plumbing emergency, if not addressed, it can lead to big plumbing repairs in the future. 

What causes air in pipes? 

There are many ways air can get into your home’s water lines. If you’ve recently installed new pipes or have altered your existing pipes, after a home remodel for example, it could have caused air to get into the pipes. Additionally, air can infiltrate pipes via your home’s water heater’s anode rod. Should it become corroded, it can lead to other issues as well, including foul smelling water filled with sediment. 

If there’s been construction happening in the neighborhood, it can affect your home’s plumbing system, and cause air in the lines. When the city works on water lines, it can cause air build up and lead to clanking, sputtering faucets. This is especially the case after the water company shuts off water supply for maintenance. 

Why do I need to remove air from my pipes?

Many homeowners choose to remove air from their water line when the noises create a quality-of-life issue. However, there are other reasons to contact a reputable plumber if you suspect you’ve got air in your pipes. Not only can the air cause water pressure issues, but it can make water flow inconsistent. 

The trapped air can also create a blockage around the pipes, and this can lead, in turn, to strong vibrations from the pipes that can damage the area supporting them. And air in pipes can also cause corrosion which can lead to rusty, weak, and even broken pipes. 

How can I remove air from my pipes? 

While it may be important to call a plumber to fix the problem, if you’ve just begun to hear clanking or rattling in your pipes and suspect that air is the culprit, you may be able to fix the problem yourself. Here are four steps to removing air from your pipes. 

First, shut off the main water supply. Your main shut off valve is likely located in your basement or at the base of your home’s foundation or crawl space. Once you’ve located it, turn it off so that you can drain the water from your pipes safely. 

Next, turn on your faucets. All you’ll need to do is rotate your faucets by about one-half turn. You should also turn on any appliances, like your washing machine and showers, so that excess water can flow from them as well. 

Now, flush all the toilets. Wait until water stops flowing from your faucets and flush every toilet in the house. You’ll need to flush until there is no water in the tanks. 

Finally, turn on the water supply. Let water run through the faucets for at least 15 minutes. Also, let the washing machine run through a rinse cycle (just add a cup of water). If you don’t hear banging that sounds suspiciously like air in the pipes, consider it a DIY job well done. On the other hand, if the noises come back quickly, it’s time to call the plumber. 

We’ve been helping Cincinnati area homeowners address air in pipes for decades. Give the team at Allied Reddi-Rooter a call at 513-396-5300, or contact  us via our website to schedule plumbing maintenance today. We always come highly recommended and have earned an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau for our expert quality of service.

The days are getting shorter, and the nights are getting colder. You know what that means: winter is on its way. Now that November is almost at a close, it’s time to check your home’s plumbing to make sure it’s ready for the colder months ahead. 

Often, just a little planning and maintenance is all you’ll need to ensure your home’s plumbing is in top shape. But does that mean you can skip calling the plumber and DIY your winter maintenance check? Not necessarily.

If you’re thinking of going the do-it-yourself route this winter, we have a word of advice: be careful. While some plumbing jobs are perfectly fine to DIY, others should be left up to a plumbing professional. 

Wondering when it’s okay to handle your home’s winter plumbing upkeep on your own and when to call a reputable plumbing company like Allied Reddi-Rooter? Keep reading.  

Closing outdoor drains… DIY!

If you want to take this job on yourself, we give you two thumbs up. By now, you should have put away all hoses, closed faucets and sealed your outside drains. If you haven’t, we strongly suggest doing it now.   

This is a quick and easy job that can easily be done in an hour or less. If you notice any leaks in the faucets, wet areas or cracks in the concrete near your outside drains, it’s time to call a professional plumber.  

Insulating pipes… DIY!

One of the easiest ways to protect exposed pipes in places like your basement, garage or any area of your home that is cold or not exposed to your heater’s warmth is by wrapping them in material that keeps them insulated and warm. 

This is a job you can easily do yourself. We recommend visiting your local hardware store, such as Home Depot or Lowes for pipe insulation kits. Not only are they easy to install, they’re also inexpensive.  

Frozen pipe repair… Do not DIY!

In the event that you didn’t complete the above winter maintenance task, or otherwise have the misfortune of a pipe freezing this winter, we strongly recommend you leave this repair up to a professional. If you’re dealing with a frozen pipe, avoid using a heat source to warm the pipe up faster. 

Instead, let the pipe warm slowly and naturally as the day progresses. In the meantime, call a plumber who can inspect the pipe and make sure that the freezing and thawing cycle did not weaken it, which can make it more susceptible to cracks and leaks. 

And if you’re dealing with a burst pipe, contact a plumbing company like Allied Reddi-Rooter that has emergency service. This is a plumbing problem that needs to be addressed immediately. We are currently offering a coupon incentive for this service.

Water heater issues… Do not DIY!

While inspecting your water heater for any signs of corrosion or leaks is perfectly fine (and recommended!) to do on your own, you should never take on any water heater maintenance or repairs. Instead, this should be left strictly to the professionals. 

Winter is the perfect time to have your water heater inspected by a plumber, who can make sure it’s working its best and ready for overtime during the colder months. 

Winter plumbing inspection… DIY!

We encourage all homeowners to schedule time to walk throughout their house and take a close look at all plumbing elements, from the sinks to the sump pump, to make sure everything is working properly. Winter can be very hard on plumbing, and this can help you avoid any surprises.

Of course, for a thorough winter plumbing inspection, call the team at Allied Reddi-Rooter at 513-396-5300, or contact  us via our website.  We always come highly recommended and have earned an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau for our expert quality of service.  You can follow us on Facebook, @Allied Reddi-Rooter for the latest tips or to ask questions.   We can make sure your home’s plumbing gets the green light and is ready to work when the temps plummet.  

Like smoke detectors inside the home, fall is the perfect time to check your exterior faucets. Do they have broken handles or are the handles hard to turn? Do they leak constantly? Are they unsealed where they enter the home’s foundation? 

If you’ve ever had these issues or are otherwise concerned about the state of your exterior faucets, it might be time to consider installing a new, frost-free options. 

Not only do frost-free faucets eliminate the need for annual maintenance, but you’ll no longer have to worry about ice forming in the water lines. That means little or no risk of burst pipes in the basement during the winter. And since colder months are well on their way, now is the time to consider adding frost-free exterior faucets to your home. 

What are frost-free exterior faucets?

Frost-free faucets prevent water from freezing inside your exterior pipes via a valve stem that connects from the faucet to inside the house. They are also designed to prevent water from pooling in the faucet where it’s liable to freeze when the temps drop. 

Three big benefits of frost-free pipes 

Reduced risk of pipe bursts

The shut off valve in traditional exterior faucets are located outside, which makes it particularly susceptible to freezing during the winter. This could lead to frozen pipes and even pipe bursts, which can cause serious damage to your home. 

In frost-free exterior faucets, the connection is installed within the walls of the home, so pipes stay warm and the water flowing through the pipes will remain warm, too. Additionally, all unused water will drain out of the pipes, outside, when the faucet is turned off. 

No backflow

If you’re worried about water contamination from traditional exterior faucets, consider switching to newer frost-free faucets. Because they come with backflow prevention, water won’t get into the home water supply when pressure drops. 

This helps prevent contamination. So, for example, a garden hose with fertilizer in the water won’t make it to your home’s interior pipes and water. 

Less maintenance

This is the time of the year when most homeowners start preparing exterior faucets for the winter. Usually, this involves draining the water valve and then covering the faucet, so it remains dry. 

With frost-free faucets, however, you won’t have to do any winterizing. Another bonus? Depending on how old your traditional faucets are, replacing them just might elevate the look of your home. 

Interested in frost-free faucets? While some homeowners install frost-free faucets on their own, we recommend letting the team at Allied Reddi-Rooter do the job. We can make sure the faucets fit properly and are ready for the tough winter months ahead.  Give us a call, or contact  us via our website.  We always come highly recommended and have earned an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau for our expert quality of service.  You can follow us on Facebook, @Allied Reddi-Rooter for the latest tips or to ask questions.

The team at Allied Reddi-Rooter gets asked this question a lot, and the answer is always the same: regular plumbing maintenance by a plumbing professional is critical for a variety of reasons – from helping you avoid costly plumbing repairs down the road to saving money on water and energy bills. 

While you may be able to detect plumbing issues on your own, a licensed plumbing professional has both the training and the tools in order to find problems quickly and address any issues before they get worse. Just like your car, your home’s plumbing needs regularly scheduled maintenance, too. 

Still on the fence about scheduling a plumbing check up by a licensed plumber? Take a look at our top reasons to pencil one in for your home. 

Your plumbing will last longer
From your water heater to your faucets, your home is filled with fixtures and appliances that need to be maintained on a regular basis. Water heater tanks, for example, can corrode over time if not properly flushed, and rust can form in pipes that can lead to leaks and other issues. 

Enhanced water pressure
Ever wonder why your water pressure is too low, or even too high? When a plumber comes out for a maintenance visit, they will check your water pressure and make any adjustments so that it flows through your home’s pipes the way it should. And if there’s an underlying problem that led to the water pressure issue in the first place, they can address the problem and fix it. 

Detect leaks
Sometimes, water leaks are so small that you might not even know you have one. Often, these leaks appear in places like the base of the toilet or around faucet fixtures. If left unrepaired, however, these tiny leaks can lead to big problems. The good news is that plumbers are excellent at spotting small leaks and fixing them before they get any worse. 

Signs your home has a sewage backup 

No more slow drains
Not only are plumbers great at detecting leaks, but they are also trained to find blocked drains, even if they are partially clogged. During a maintenance visit, your plumber will test every drain in the house, often by using equipment to look deep inside drains to find any clogs or other problems that may be causing problems.

Better water quality
Corrosion in your pipes can lead to unwanted minerals and even chemicals in your water supply. In fact, leaks can also cause water patches, where bacteria like giardia and legionella can live. This is another big reason why it’s important to prevent leaks in your home with routine maintenance. 

Why Cincinnati homes need a water softener

And better air quality, too
Faulty plumbing, including leaking pipes, can lead to mold growth in your home that, in turn, could cause health problems for you and your family. During a home plumbing checkup, a plumber can look for signs of mold growth throughout the house and help you take the necessary steps to eradicate it. 

Got mold in your bathroom? Here’s how to find and prevent it 

Lower water and energy bills
If you leave leaks untreated in your home, you’re throwing your money down the drain. Sure, you’ll have to pay for the plumbing check up, but the cost pales in comparison to the money you’ll save in the long run on water and energy bills. It will also protect you from spending money down the road on a costly plumbing repair.

Better ROI
Are you planning on selling your home in the near future? If so, give potential buyers confidence by having the plumbing inspected by a professional and make any repairs before it goes on the market.

Is it time to take a closer look at your home’s plumbing? When you’re ready to schedule your routine home plumbing maintenance, give the team at Allied Reddi-Rooter a call or contact  us for a quote. We always come highly recommended and have earned an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau for our expert quality of service. We’re here to help Cincinnati homeowners with all their plumbing needs.  You can follow us on Facebook, @Allied Reddi-Rooter for the latest tips or to ask questions.

It’s been a long day, and you’re looking forward to taking a warm bath to unwind. Bath salts have been tossed in the water and you’ve dimmed the lights – maybe you’ve even lit a candle. You’re all set – there’s just one problem, five minutes into your relaxing soak, the water starts to drain. But why? 

Bathtubs fail to hold water for a number of reasons. Sometimes the remedy is as simple as changing the drain stopper. Other times, the issue signifies a bigger problem that requires help from a plumbing professional. 

Here’s five reasons why your bathtub may not be holding water. 

A faulty drain stopper. Sometimes the drain stopper – that works in conjunction with the lever that controls water flow – disconnects from the spring that’s part of the drain system. When this happens water levels will slowly lower in the bathtub.

This is often a quick fix, but one usually done by a professional plumber. That being said, on rare occasions, it is necessary to replace the entire bathtub drain. 

An issue with the overflow tube. Do you take regular baths in a tub filled to the edge? If so, the overflow tube may be the culprit. If this tube within the drain system is broken, it can cause the tub to lose water. 

The overflow tube plays an important role, as it prevents the bathtub from overflowing, which can cause major water damage to your home. A plumber can tighten the overflow tube to fix the problem, otherwise they will recommend replacing it. 

Old pipes. Corrosion may be to blame if your tub isn’t holding water, especially if you live in an older home with outdated plumbing. Once rust builds up inside pipes, it can create leaks where water can escape. Look for water that’s rust colored when you run the bath. If you notice any discoloration, it’s time to call the plumber.

A clogged pipe. Between soap residue and hair, bathtub drains have ample opportunities to clog. Once the pipe leading from the drain clogs, it can create a buildup of water that will start to leak outside of the drain anyway it can. 

If you suspect you have a clogged drain, we recommend using a natural drain opener and a plunger to remove the debris. If you can’t open the drain using that method, it’s time to call a plumber. And always remember to clean the bathtub drain after every bath, or at least once a week. 

Temperature changes. When there are significant changes in temperature, it can cause your pipes to expand and then contract if they’re exposed to the elements and not in a temperature-controlled area. This can lead to cracks in pipes or loose seals. In turn, this can cause leaks that interrupt water flow and lessen the amount that flows to your tub.

Worried that your bathtub isn’t holding water the way it should? Give us a call or contact  us when an issue arises. We’ll address the issue and fix the problem quickly, so you can get back to those soaks in no time. We always come highly recommended and have earned an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau for our expert quality of service. We’re here to help Cincinnati homeowners with all their plumbing needs.  You can follow us on Facebook, @Allied Reddi-Rooter for the latest tips or to ask questions. We’ll address the issue and fix the problem quickly, so you can get back to those soaks in no time. 

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How to tell if your home has water pressure issues

Sump pump 101 for Cincinnati homeowners  

Why does my shower smell bad?

February is an excellent month for home improvement. Unless you’re a fan of cold, rainy weather, there’s a good chance you’re inside, waiting for spring. In the meantime, take a look at our list below of easy ways to update – and elevate – your home’s plumbing. 

We’ve included simple DIY projects, ways to make your home greener and healthier, as well as a couple of things that the team at Allied Reddi-Rooter can take care of – like installing a new water softener or performing a routine plumbing inspection.    

Schedule routine maintenance

If you could only do one thing on the list, let it be this one. Having your home’s plumbing checked by a professional is critical for many reasons. First, it will help identify small problems that could become bigger ones down the road, so you won’t have to pay for an expensive repair later. And regular maintenance will give you peace of mind, knowing that your plumbing is in top shape.

Invest in a Novo water softener

Did you know that Novo water softeners are the highest efficiency water softeners available today? In fact, they use up to 75% less salt and 64% less water compared to conventional calendar clock models. Choose a Novo water softener and say good-bye to hard water problems including clogged pipes and hard water spots on your glasses and dishes. 

Learn how to use a plunger

You may be surprised by how many people don’t know how to use a plunger correctly. If you do, it will save you a few headaches and maybe even a call to the plumber.

Your guide to household plungers and their different uses 

Brush up on drain dos and don’ts

If you’ve forgotten what you can and (perhaps more importantly) can’t put down the drain, it’s time for a refresh. We recommend printing out our article below and keeping it on your fridge. And remember, disposable wipes are not made to be flushed down the toilet, no matter what the packaging says. 

Ten items to never put down the kitchen drain 

Update your bathroom (in a weekend)

Is your bathroom in need of some sprucing up? If so, all you need is one weekend to make it look fantastic – and more efficient, too. Choose paints specifically developed for bathrooms to keep mold and mildew at bay. Replace old faucets or the shower head, or simply invest in new towels, rugs and a shower curtain. 

Seven easy bathroom updates that you can do In a weekend  

Do mold control

Mold in the home can be a serious problem if it isn’t addressed quickly. Not only can it lead to respiratory issues, but it can exacerbate allergies as well. One of the places mold tends to grow in the home is in the bathroom because it thrives in damp areas. Make sure the bathroom is well ventilated, repair cracked tiles and walls and keep towels and bathmats dry.

Resolve to save water

Using less water isn’t just good for the planet, it’s also a great way to save a little money. This year, why not water your lawn just twice a week? Only use your washing machine when you have a full load, take shorter showers, and check your home for any water leaks.  

Go green in 2022

Even small changes can impact the planet in a big way. Invest in environmentally friendly faucets and toilets, buy eco-friendly cleaning supplies, and choose a water saving showerhead.  

Want to get your home’s plumbing ready for the year ahead?  Call or contact  the team at Allied Reddi-Rooter. We’ll make sure your home’s plumbing is ready for the new year. We always come highly recommended and have earned an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau for our expert quality of service. We’re here to help Cincinnati homeowners with all their plumbing needs. You can follow us on Facebook, @Allied Reddi-Rooter for the latest tips or to ask us a question.

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It pays to get a second opinion before committing to a plumbing repair

Have a gas furnace? Keeping it clean is the key to staying warm.

When a plumber takes you to the cleaners: Five ways plumbers try to upsell you 

You may be wondering how important it is to get a second opinion before you hire a plumber for a repair or any major plumbing work. Suffice it to say, it’s always a good idea. Here’s why: First, plumbing repairs can be expensive, especially if the work needed is extensive. Getting a second opinion could help save you money and avoid unnecessary repairs. 

Another reason to get a second opinion is to help you make sense of a plumbing estimate. Let’s face it, most of us don’t know the ins and outs of plumbing, so it would stand to reason that we’d need help understanding an estimate in order to make sure the costs add up. 

Additionally (and unfortunately) there are unreputable plumbing companies out there. And worse, bogus plumbing companies are out there, too. A second opinion from an established plumbing company can ensure that you only work one that has your best interests in mind and won’t leave you with a big bill for a shoddy job. 

Beware of bogus plumbing companies

Often, a bogus plumbing will take out ads online with a name similar to a reputable plumbing company, like Allied Reddi-Rooter for example. The sketchy company might call themselves Allied Plumbing for example. 

When a plumber takes you to the cleaners: Five ways plumbers try to upsell you

They’ll usually show up in an unmarked van or vehicle, do a poor job, and charge you way above its normal cost. These “plumbers” may also tell you that you need an expensive repair that you really don’t and use scare tactics to convince you to let them do the job. They often ask for a deposit. 

Then, when you realize they’ve done a terrible job, they’ll be nowhere to be found. You can avoid this scenario by getting a second opinion before you hire a plumber. 

Here’s how to find a reputable plumbing company 
Read reviews

Visit review websites like Yelp, Facebook and Google and read what other customers have said about the plumbing company you are looking to hire. Notice any common complaints. Are the plumbers consistently late? Do they overcharge or do poor quality work? If enough customer reviews say they do, consider another plumbing company. 

5 things to know about pets and plumbing 

Check references

This is critical for major plumbing jobs like repiping a home. Any reputable plumber would be happy to send you the names and contact info of previous customers – and will likely have a few in mind for you to talk to. You should also make sure the plumber you choose is insured and licensed. 

Choose a plumber with experience

Always go with a reputable plumbing company with strong roots in the community. Take Allied Reddi-Rooter, for example. We have been serving Cincinnati homes and businesses for 71 years. 

Don’t pay for a second opinion

Some plumbing companies will charge you for a second opinion, but not Allied Reddi-Rooter. We are always ready to share our knowledge with Cincinnati home and business owners and are happy to give you our own assessment of your plumbing problem. We can also give you a timeline to complete the job and even a written estimate.

We love talking plumbing, so give us a call or contact  the team at Allied Reddi-Rooter, and bend our ear when you need a second opinion. We’ll help give you peace of mind knowing that you’re being charged a fair price and getting the help you need to keep your plumbing in top shape. We always come highly recommended and have earned an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau for our expert quality of service. We’re here to help Cincinnati homeowners with all their plumbing needs. You can follow us on Facebook, @Allied Reddi-Rooter for the latest tips or to ask us a question.

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Have a gas furnace? Keeping it clean is the key to staying warm

Your water shut-off valve – Your best friend in a water emergency  

Five ways to add plumbing to your garage  

When a plumber comes to your home, it’s usually to fix a specific plumbing issue, or for routine maintenance that you’ve scheduled well in advance. But what if everything doesn’t go as expected and you’re surprised with news that you need more plumbing repairs than you thought you did? 

When this happens it’s important to know if the plumber is trying to make a few more bucks at your expense. It’s called upselling, and it can happen when you hire a less-than-reputable plumbing company. 

Don’t be fooled. Below are five of the most common ways plumbers try to upsell their customers, and how to avoid it happening to you. 

Unbelievably low prices
One of the most popular ways plumbing companies try to upsell customers is by offering extremely low prices for simple repairs like clearing drain lines – just so they can upsell you a very costly repair like a line replacement. 

Maintenance contracts
Never let a plumber talk you into signing a maintenance contract. These rarely turn out to be cost effective. Instead, ask the plumbing company to contact you when it’s time to schedule your next maintenance appointment. 

Using undersized sewer machines
Sometimes a plumber will use an undersized sewer machine that has too small of a blade to adequately cut out tree roots. Since the plumber will be unable to get line open and flowing due to using wrong equipment, they will try to talk you into a camera inspection and line replacement since roots are still in the sewer line.

Recommending big ticket items
Anytime a plumber strongly suggests you need a new, expensive appliance like a water heater, washing machine or refrigerator, do your research and make sure it’s absolutely necessary before moving forward. Replacing your water heater, for example, can set you back thousands of dollars. Often, it’s more cost effective to simply repair the appliance that you already have. 

Or, recommending small ticket items
Don’t be surprised if a plumber tries to sell you a showerhead, toilet seat, or a shiny new faucet, promising that it will save you money and otherwise enhance your quality of life. Instead of buying these from the plumber (who will inevitably have them in their truck), purchase them on your own from your local hardware store. 

How to avoid getting upsold

Do a little research
If a plumber tells you you’re going to need a pricey, unexpected repair, do a little research before letting them do the job. Hop on Google and learn about the plumbing issue at hand and see what it generally costs to fix the problem. 

Get a second opinion
It’s always free – and a good idea – to get a second opinion before spending your money on a costly repair. Give the team at Allied Reddi-Rooter a call if you’re worried you’re being upsold. We take care of our customers and never upsell. 

Use a reputable plumbing company
Better yet, choose a plumbing company with a great reputation like Allied Reddi-Rooter in the first place. We provide quick, cost-efficient, knowledgeable, and courteous service, always. And we never, ever upsell. 

Ready to schedule routine plumbing maintenance? Give the team at Allied Reddi-Rooter a call or contact  us. We’ll make sure your home’s plumbing is ready for the new year. And we promise to never upsell you. We always come highly recommended and have earned an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau for our expert quality of service. You can follow us on Facebook, @Allied Reddi-Rooter for the latest tips or to ask us a question.

It’s important to know where your water shut off valve is located and how to shut off your home’s water supply in an emergency. Your valve may look like the one in this article’s photo or be round like faucets on the exterior of your home.

Find your home’s indoor water shut off valve and turn off the water supply

It’s important to know where your indoor home shut off valve is and how to turn off your home’s water supply in the event of a plumbing emergency or before you leave for an extended period of time. Here’s how you do this:

Find the shut off valve
Your home’s shut off valve is usually located in the basement. It’s often installed against a wall that is closest to the road in front of the home. It should be about midway up from the floor. It may be close to your water heater. If your home doesn’t have a basement, look where your water supply enters your home. Once you locate shut off valve, turn the lever the way the Off arrow indicates.

TIP: Test the valve
It is a good idea to test it after reading this to make sure the handle or knob moves freely to the off position. Sometimes these valves may sit for years without being turned which can make them hard to turn. If it does not turn fairly easily, do not force it. Contact Allied Reddi-Rooter to free it up.

Turn your faucets off
Locate a faucet in the lowest point of your home, whether it’s the basement or the first floor. Open it and leave the faucet open. Water will quickly slow to a trickle then stop completely. At this point your home’s water lines are mostly drained, at least to a point where there is no water pressure.

TIP: Do not flush the toilets
Having water in the tank of toilets gives you one extra flush while the water main is turned off as it relies on water stored in the tank behind the toilet. After a flush the toilet tank will not refill until the water is turned back on.

Don’t forget… Allied Reddi-Rooter is your 24/7, emergency plumber. When you have water in the home that is unwanted, turn the main valve to the off position and call or contact us for very quick service.  We always come highly recommended and have earned an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau for our expert quality of service. You can follow us on Facebook, @Allied Reddi-Rooter for the latest tips or to ask us a question.