Monday, January 16th, 2017
What’s the easiest way to lower my water bill?

Customer: I am on City water and sewer. Is there a way to lower my rising utility bill?
Ray: First, understand how water charges are calculated. The Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD) bills sewage for single family and duplex homes according to the volume of water used during the winter billing period (the billing period that ends with the meter reading in February, March, or April). During the rest of the year, if you use more water than during the winter period, you will only be billed sewage up to the amount used in the winter period. Why? Because water used during the winter period accounts for most of your annual sewage use. Much less “summer water” goes into the sewer than “winter water.”
Do the math: During the MSD winter billing period, every 1 gallon used during the winter period amounts to 4 gallons in annual sewage costs. The easiest way to lower your annual water is to aggressively conserve water NOW, until the end of March. Fix leaky faucets, flush only when necessary, avoid running the tap while shaving, brushing, or doing dishes.
Water You Waiting For? Call, or Contact Ray today (513-396-5300) if you have plumbing problems or questions. Ray and his team of professionals are available 24/7 to get your plumbing back in order. We always come highly recommended and have earned an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau for our expert quality of service. Visit our COUPONS! page for money-saving offers