Saturday, February 18th, 2023

Restaurant Managers: Allied Reddi-Rooter is the only plumbing company you’ll ever need

Allied Reddi-Rooter is Cincinnati restaurant plumbing repair specialist

If you manage or own a restaurant, you know that no day is the same. In fact, no hour is the same. Restaurants are fast-paced and action-packed, and when yours is filled with hungry customers, the last thing you need is a plumbing emergency. 

But even when a restaurant is closed, there’s still so much that needs to be done, and that includes everything from scheduling routine plumbing maintenance to installing new plumbing features, to troubleshooting plumbing problems.

Wouldn’t be great if there was a plumbing company in Cincinnati that could handle all your restaurant’s plumbing needs? Luckily, there is, and the clue is in the name: Allied Reddi-Rooter. For 73 years, we’ve been the plumbing company restaurant managers and owners call for all their plumbing needs. 

That’s why we’re named “Allied” – because we’ve combined all plumbing services into one Cincinnati company. And if you’re in the restaurant business, consider us your allies.  

Why Cincinnati restaurants choose Allied Reddi-Rooter

We work on your time, not ours. You can schedule any plumbing service at a time when the restaurant is closed, so it will not interrupt business. 

Our technicians are highly trained to serve all aspects of restaurants. Simply put, we know restaurant plumbing inside and out. 

We offer emergency 24/7 service so your restaurant can get back to operating smoothly quickly, with no delay in service. 

Allied-Reddi Rooter uses state-of-the art equipment to diagnose and repair your restaurant’s plumbing.

We are one of the only full service plumbing companies in Cincinnati committed to serving restaurants for all their plumbing needs.   

Here’s some of the top plumbing services we offer restaurants. 

Grease trap cleaning and pumping

Grease pumps play a key role in making sure restaurants operate smoothly to make sure that fats, oils, grease, and solids don’t build up in your pipes and cause a backup. In fact, a badly clogged grease pump can shut down a restaurant entirely. 

That’s why we offer routine grease trap cleaning that you can schedule on your time (not ours). We also offer emergency grease trap cleaning and pumping in addition to grease trap repair. We can also install new grease trap parts. 

Backflow repair

It’s critical for your restaurant to have clean water at all times. When you notice dirty water, or water that isn’t moving through your plumbing system properly, it’s time to call a plumber. We can inspect your water supply and your backflow preventer, a mechanical valve that restricts backward water movement, and make any necessary repairs quickly so there is no interruption in service. 

Restaurant plumbing repair

Restaurant plumbing tends to be a bit more involved than plumbing you typically find in a home. Not only is it often larger scale than residential plumbing, but there are more components that require regular maintenance. Our team of plumbers are trained, certified and ready 24/7 for plumbing services and repairs for your Cincinnati restaurant. 

Drain cleaning

Drains work overtime in commercial kitchens, where everything from sinks and appliances to dishwashers and faucets can be operating all at once. In addition, many restaurants feature multiple sinks and toilets in the restroom, which can further tax your restaurant’s plumbing. To make sure your drains are free and clear of debris and strong enough to work overtime, we offer routine drain cleaning to help you avoid a plumbing emergency. 

Sewer line plumbing

If you suspect your restaurant’s sewer line is clogged, it’s important that you contact a plumber quickly. If leftover solid waste generated from the restaurant causes a blockage in the sewer drain, it can lead to a costly repair and even cause your business to close – at least until the sewer line is repaired. Allied Reddi-Rooter offers video inspections of your restaurant’s sewer line, as well as drain cleaning by either snaking the drain or hydro jetting the line. And in the event that you need sewer line repair, we offer that, too. 

The next time you need you have a plumbing repair that can’t wait, or are ready to schedule routine maintenance for your restaurant, give the team at Allied Reddi-Rooter a ring at 513-396-5300, or contact  us via our website.  We’ve been Cincinnati’s trusted one-stop shop for restaurants for more than seven decades.  We always come highly recommended and have earned an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau for our expert quality of service.